Thursday, June 7, 2012

Scielo… is the Heaven!

The link this website is , but I use the website corresponding at Chile than is
Scielo is a electronic library where you can find scientific article or scientific magazines of all areas of knowledge. The network Scielo this present in many countries for example: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Portugal and Venezuela.
The abbreviation of Scielo to mean Scientific Electronic Library Online. Is funny because the acronym sounds as if to say heaven! And so I tell when I need to do a research work for the career.
The website is very easy to use. For search a topic you should write in the search bar and to delimit for country or language. As well you can search for index of authors, index of subject, search titles or alphabetical order. Is very complete the website, here are many interesting articles for the study of social sciences.
I visit the website very often in time of the classes but in the summer I forget the website… In period of test always I visited the website because help me with my final works.
I like this website is interesting and full of knowledge, is essential in my professional training as psychologist.
So my classmates of lower courses I invite a visited this website, is one hundred percent recommended.


  1. i use scielo too! it's really really good! :)

  2. oh!! scielo has a lot of very interesting investigations ! :)
