Thursday, June 28, 2012

The end of the Blog...

My bloging experience
Well, at first I thought that do a blog was very boring,  I to for  obligaton, for a mark... But today I think has been useful for to learn the english of different way. Remember the English in my school and that! If it was BORING! XD.  The advantages of blogging in the English class is that I can to ask at the Miss Daniela the questions that I have about of some word that I cant traslate. And the disadvantages were that I use several times the traslator because is the way more easy for do the blog. I’m Sorry Miss Daniela, but I must be sincere with you. Even if you don't believe I use anyway sometimes the dictionary.. I swear!
For example this blog I made not use the traslator, only I use the dictionary.
I enjoy blogging because I can write about the things I think in some topic. Besides I like to upload my pictures or funny pictures of Internet.
Now that the English class to finish, maybe I use the blog for to flow writing about the topic that I like or interesting topics of my career. 

So I say goodbye at all!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


The season of year than I like is the summer! I love it! I like because the evenings are longer, there is more light, and I feel with energy all day!
Besides are the vacations… and this is incredible because I've there than study… I am waiting all the year for the vacations!
I’ve always identified with the summer, because I’m born in this season, maybe because of I like!
The good things is that I can walk for the streets, I go for drinks with friends in some bar or restaurant, I can to go at Museum or exhibition and the best is that I can go on vacations at some place outside of Santiago! I prefer some place of south of Chile.
The bad things are the heat of the day, in especially in the night! The other thing I don’t like is that my friends they traveling with your family and I can’t join them…
In the summer usually I do few things, sometimes I work to raise money for vacations, generally I leave of vacations at beginning of March…so the most of the summer I do nothing…

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The key to the South Sea

Hello friends!
Today, I want to talk about my favorite place! This place is a city called Valdivia, is located in the south of Chile. I really like!  I always dream to live in this city when I finish my career.
This city I like because is beautiful for all parts. Its streets near the Calle-Calle river are ideals for to go out for a walk in the evening. I imagine my life in this city, I hope to come true my dream.
In Valdivia you can meet many places, for example you can travel in boat at the cost of the region. The boat to navigate for different river and you can see very flora and fauna as sea lions, pelicans and black swan in the wetlands than formed after the 1960 earthquake. Apart from this, Valdivia it have very History of our country, in the period of the conquest. So you can visited the brewery “Kunstmann”, are the best beers in the country!  My idea is I work in this city and I have the house near the river!
Valdivia is located at the confluence of the Calle-Calle, Valdivia and Cau-Cau Rivers, that makes the city very tourist, as there are many places along the river enjoying beautiful scenery. Further that the beach is very close to the city, you can reach by car, bike or boat.
(Here are some pictures this place)

The reason I like this place is because I meet when I to backpack for the south of Chile with my boyfriend. Both fell in love of Valdivia and dream to live together there. Was the first city outside of Santiago known and loved in an instant.
That’s all friends!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Scielo… is the Heaven!

The link this website is , but I use the website corresponding at Chile than is
Scielo is a electronic library where you can find scientific article or scientific magazines of all areas of knowledge. The network Scielo this present in many countries for example: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Portugal and Venezuela.
The abbreviation of Scielo to mean Scientific Electronic Library Online. Is funny because the acronym sounds as if to say heaven! And so I tell when I need to do a research work for the career.
The website is very easy to use. For search a topic you should write in the search bar and to delimit for country or language. As well you can search for index of authors, index of subject, search titles or alphabetical order. Is very complete the website, here are many interesting articles for the study of social sciences.
I visit the website very often in time of the classes but in the summer I forget the website… In period of test always I visited the website because help me with my final works.
I like this website is interesting and full of knowledge, is essential in my professional training as psychologist.
So my classmates of lower courses I invite a visited this website, is one hundred percent recommended.